Aircooled RD Club RD2022
28th AC/RD International Rally, Concours and
Social Weekend – 8th, 9th and 10th July 2022
Derby Rugby Club
Haslams Lane, Darley Abbey, Derby DE22 1EB
www.derbyrugbyfootballclub.comFriday – Arrivals all day – catch up with friends. BBQ 5-9pm
or chips in Ashbourne, then “Goodges” Top Live acoustic band
Saturday - RD Jumble stalls all day, RD Concours at 11am,
Meet up at Peak District Venue to be confirmed, approx 3pm,
Bar Meals 5-9pm,
Trophy Presentations 7pm, Then headline band “Metal Fatigue”
Sunday - Annual General Meeting – 10 am – Have your say
and vote on agenda items and committee post nominations.
Full modern on-site facilities, Cooked Breakfasts, Bar food all day, Showers, all night toilets etc. Family friendly location.
Membership only £15 UK. Join online (or enquiries to Paul White) or Text. 07941 521036
Important Booking Information
Full Weekend camping passes at £20 each only available on the gate.
Camping only for members with proof (i.e. valid Member number) & their partners / guests.
Under 18s free! (with Adult) Small RD Jumble stalls free to members.
Day visitors free.
Tel: Robin on 01204 793118 before 9pm for all events information.
Email. or text mobile 07806 572669